Review: QSC K Series Portable PA
Pro Sound Network
The K Series’ many proprietary features and notably pro-grade build quality make it an
overachieving portable live sound reinforcement bargain.
After having reviewed numerous portable PA (PPA) enclosures over the years—most of which have been powered, two-way full-range speakers with at least a couple of input types available per cabinet—I thought it was due time to revisit QSC Audio’s impressive K Series, requesting a pair each of its three-model, full-range line-up. Read more

How To Properly Choose A Color Filter
Rosco Spectrum
Back when theaters were lit almost exclusively with Tungsten-Halogen lamps, choosing gel colors was easy! In today’s venues, there is a healthy mix of fixture-types – especially as white LEDs find their way on stage. Hopefully this post will help you figure out the Rosco gels you need – no matter what light fixture you’re using. Read more

Effects of Hearing Loop Systems on Speech Understanding and Sound Quality of Normal-hearing Listeners and Hearing Aid Users
The Hearing Review
Despite the advantages and the popularity of hearing loop systems, there has been surprisingly little evidence-based research conducted to validate their benefits. This study examines whether hearing loop systems could improve speech understanding and perceived sound quality for listeners with normal hearing and hearing loss in a large area. Read more

Microphone Polar Patterns – Part 1: Omnidirectional
AKG Life
There’s a lot in this world that confuses people. Algebra, insurance policies, Stephen Hawking’s theories, to name a few. In the music world, microphone polar patterns seem to cause a bit of head-scratching. Of course, polar patterns aren’t as confusing as, say, the nutritional information on a food label, but they confound plenty of people. So to clear the air, let’s take a look at the different polar patterns and the benefits of each. Read more

How to: Choose the Right Portable PA System
Macsound Blog
Portable Public Address (PA) Systems are perfect for indoor and outdoor use alike, whether they are needed for simple voice reinforcement or as a fully contained sound system with all the “bells and whistles” of wireless connectivity, music media playback, wireless links to slave extension units, etc. These days there are so many options its hard to decide what will work best. But we're here to help you decide what Portable PA System will work best for you. Read more

How to Choose a Microphone 101
Shure Blog
There is one question I get more than any other from my fellow musicians when they find out I work for Shure:
What is your best microphone?
There is no simple answer to this question. I can tell you which was designed specifically for your application or which is the most expensive, but the truth is that everything in sound comes down to personal taste. Choosing the right mic for any application is a delicate balance between science and art. In our next webinar, we’ll help prepare you for your next mic selection by providing you with the science half of that equation. Read more

Everything you need to know about LED Lighting
Macsound Blog
LED Lighting is changing the world of stage lighting. Find out why so many people are turning to LED Lighting for all kinds of venues from theatres and halls to pubs and clubs. From the benefits for LED Lights to how to control them find the answers to all your questions. Read more

Conference Miking: Seven Spaces + Seven Solutions
Shure Blog
One size does not fit all in corporate, civic and institutional applications where speech intelligibility in meetings and conferences is so critical. As IT staff increasingly move into AV roles, many are forced to think analog instead of digital. This role shift includes responsibility for making good microphone choices. This article is for anyone who runs sound in the world of meetings and conferences, whether your background is in the IT or the AV world. Read more

Lighting Control Explained
Macsound Blog
Lighting control systems are used in numerous different theatre and studio applications. They range from single channel follow spot dimmers up to large memory systems, which are used to control hundreds of dimmers. Read more
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